Yacht Sale | Sell Vessel | International attorneys| Luxury Law


If you are a boat owner and you want to sell your vessel, you may think you do not need anything else other than a buyer with requisite funds.

This is partly true, however, a seller also needs to think about avoiding the risk of being sued after a sale. A seller needs to rely on a buyer’s word wherever he does not have an attorney protecting his interests.

He needs an appropriately drafted binding contract, he needs to receive a deposit and he needs to be sure that if the deal does fall through for whatever reason, the buyer will not have any grounds to request the deposit back.

Aside from the contractual terms, a seller does not want to have his time wasted with flakey potential buyers causing him to waste time, money and potentially miss out on a more bona fide buyer. There is a universal proverb that we all know well: “Time is money”.

Spending your time with the wrong people will almost certainly increase your costs and lose you valuable time.

Luxury Law’s international lawyers will assist you in understanding whether there is a real interest behind an offer. Statistics show that the most common time for a buyer to pull out of signing a sale and purchase agreement occurs soon after an initial survey is completed.

Luxury Law’s lawyers will help protect your interests in such an event. There are many other signs our lawyers, who have years of experience in the sector, have come across and they are fully prepared to make sure your position is not damaged as a result.

As a seller, you might also want to know in which market to sell, and whether you can find a better deal with a buyer who might be based in another jurisdiction.

In that case of course, there might be different rules, languages and cultures to deal with, a further reason to have an attorney with international knowledge, contacts and experience on your side, so as to guide you through the process.

Luxury Law is not just about guiding you to find the safest solution but also assisting you in reaching the best deal with your circumstances and interests in mind.

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